The Quays Marina PBS Jeanneau Rendezvous Rally, & Sail Port Stephens:

For this years “The Quays Marina” Jeanneau Rendezvous Performance Boating is hosting our Jeanneau Yacht owners at the Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club on Saturday the 9th of April, with yachts sailing in company from Sydney harbour, Pittwater and Lake Macquarie. At the time of writing 27 yachts have confirmed for our annual function where owners have complimentary dining and evening of fun is had with many lucky dip prizes. We are delighted to have The Quays Marina on board as naming sponsor and thank them for their generosity. In addition to their support for the event they are also offering a free antifoul for the lucky draw!  All our new Jeanneau yachts under 48 feet are commissioned at The Quays and the facilities are excellent.

There are many other generous prizes from the companies we work with. One special mention should go to the Sydney based International supplier of marine wear Zhik. We at PBS are proud to use a local company and our work uniform, sailing wear and wet weather gear has all been sourced from Zhik and has been found to be absolutely excellent. Zhik have offered two sets of offshore wet weather gear and five other vouchers for our function which is extremely generous and we thank them along with all of the other companies that have supported us.

There are a few yachts short on crew, so if you are a Jeanneau owner and can’t make it with your own, but would like to take part please contact us straight away and we will put you together.

Eleven of those yachts taking part in the Rendezvous  rally will then continue on to Sail Port Stephens for the Commodores Cup which is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the 11th to 13th and the PBS team will be there supporting and sailing with our owners in this great event. On the Tuesday evening Jeanneau owners will gather for an informal  function, and a few other social events are planned.