
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club are organising an Intro to Racing Day on 26 August to encourage more yacht and keelboat owners to come and have a go at racing. The day is aimed at total novice racers; however, we expect at least a basic level of sailing ability, and the aim is to give them a basic understanding of the racing rules, race starts and getting around the race course.

The day will start with a briefing in Halyards and an introduction to the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), Starting and Sailing the Course. We will then head out and do some practice starts and some short races with on the water coaching. The day will finish with a de-brief and Sausage Sizzle back in Halyards.

All boats are welcome with the following fees applicable – RPAYC Members Entry Fee – $50 / Non-Members $ 100.00 (inc GST).
For more information contact RPYC on email: sailing@rpayc.com.au or call 9998 3700.