A short note of thanks for your work in the purchase of our yacht Truant.
This being our first yacht purchase I had no idea of what to expect. I found the process quite protracted, probably to the few issues and surprises encountered during the negotiation process, which were more a reflection on the vendors and not on yourself. When the going got tough and a couple of curly ones were thrown in from left field I am happy to say that you remained calm, fair and steadfast. I can honestly say that I felt most comfortable with you mediating the purchase process, drawing two inexperienced parties together during the sale process. My personal reflection on my dealings with yourself was one of professionalism, fairness and integrity. Even after he sale has been complete and your obligation over I found you approachable and helpful with other areas such as the prop design, references for contractors, etc. you will be highly recommended to all I meet.
We are happy now that all the ‘bits’ on the boat are ’fixed’ and that it is safely in Hobart – we absolutely love it. The boat feels well balanced and sails extremely well. We’ve had it pointing into a 40 – 50 knot blow, sails pulled off first feel (should have been second) and it handles it we;; – we were pulling between 8 and 10 knots. The interior has come up a treat – all the ladies love that part.
The most important part for me is that my whole family like the boat and want to go out on it. It looks like doing exactly what I had hopes – draw the family even closer together. Can’t thank you enough for that.
Happy sailing to you mate and, as long as there is wind in the air and water in the ocean, I’ll see you out there.
Yours Faithfully.