‘Performance Boating’ Sydney Yachts Regatta:

PBS are proud to be the naming sponsor for the first all-encompassing Sydney Yachts regatta being hosted by the RPAYC next February the 20th to the 22nd. Fifteen Sydney 38’s and ten Sydney 36’s are expected along with an assortment of the 32’s, 40, 41, 46 and perhaps the 60. There are several Sydney 38’s available for charter, so if this is something that might be of interest contact us as it promises to be a highlight of the summers racing.

PBS was instrumental in the development of the Sydney 38, 36CR, 39CR and 46CR and were active agents until the company was sadly wound up. We spent a lot of time racing the yachts and can vouch for the fun and camaraderie to be had, so don’t miss out. We currently have two good Sydney 38’s for sale, so if you are looking to step up to a new sailing challenge they represent excellent value-for-money. Click this link