
2024 NSW Jeanneau Rendezvous

Saturday September 28th, 2024

Announcing our Jeanneau Rendezvous for 2024 on Saturday the 28th of September with a long lunch at The San Martin restaurant at Akuna Bay.

The day will commence with the fleet gathering off Salt Pan Cove just North of RMYC Newport for a 9am start. For those of a competitive bent there will be the usual opportunity to demonstrate your sailing skills, with or without spinnakers.

Our generous sponsors will provide an array of spot prizes to be handed out in a lucky draw, and Performance Boating will provide complimentary drinks.

This is always a great fun day and a chance for owners who have met each other at various events over the years to catch up. We invite owners from all over the state to come and join in, but if for some reason you can’t physically bring your own boat and would still be interested in participating, then please let us know as there are always spots available on local boats. Contact info@performanceboating.com.au with any queries.

No matter what the weather does it will no doubt be a great day on the water, and fun to all catch up afterwards to share tall stories and our enjoyment of the day.

Book for the Rendezvous now using the form below. Any queries to info@performanceboating.com.au

Lunch – REMEMBER – book your lunch/function tickets here.

Marina berths – For those yachts coming to the D’Albora Marine just for the duration of the function there is no charge, but if you plan to stay overnight then make a booking here.