Ladies Course – yacht handing under motor & sail:

Our handover of yachts has a component where we show the girls how to handle & berth the yacht so that they feel comfortable to assist or actually take control.This has been well received by all & takes a lot of concern & anxiety out of this procedure, which in turn leads to a much more enjoyable time out on the water for all concerned.

We are offering to make a day available where we will be running ‘at no charge’

2 X 3 hour sessions on a Saturday in late April. Each session will encompass both theory & practical sides of:

–       Assessing wind & conditions

–       Basic safety procedures

–       Basic rope handling

–       Yacht handling under motor

Ladies, please contact us to express your interest, a preferred date & time

Which will be either 1st session 9am ‘till noon, OR 2nd session – noon till 3pm?