Jeanneau Cup 3 – Two-up Cup:

The final race in our series was held on a slightly less ideal day than the two previous events this years, but none-the-less a good days sailing was had by all and our thanks to Middle Harbour Yacht Club for hosting us and being so accommodating;

Results for the day:

1st        “Zeusus”        Sun Odyssey 40                  Laurance & Sara McAllister

2nd         “LuLu Belle”  Sun Odyssey 37                  Peter Lewis

3rd        “Galan”                       Sun Odyssey 409    Mike & Hilary Gallagher

Overall results Jeanneau Cup 2016/2017:

1st        “LuLu Belle”  Sun Odyssey 37                  Peter Lewis

2nd       “Galan”                       Sun Odyssey 409    Mike & Hilary Gallagher

3rd        “Zeusus”        Sun Odyssey 40                  Laurance & Sara McAllister


The range was well represented as there were 8 different Jeanneau models taking part including three Sun Odyssey 349’s. Thanks to all participants for being part of it.