Performance Boating Sales have locally developed a prototype 3D model of the Jeanneau 51 which provides a unique opportunity for you to explore the deck and internal layout options of this amazing yacht due to commence production in Feb 2017. With two Jeanneau 51’s already on the initial production order list for PBS customers we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first model into Australia in June 2017.
The Jeanneau 51 will be a feature display at the 2017 Sydney Boat Show.
This prototype model is best displayed on a larger format screen (although it will work on any device) and displays the standard transom rather than the optional aft terrace, but provides floorplans to view the 3 internal configurations all of which vary the aft port quarter. The model also provides a visual representation of the internal timber options;
- 3 Cabins (3 heads) – Standard Teak and Light Oak floorboards
- 2 Cabins with Workshop (2 heads) – Standard Teak and Light Oak floorboards
- 2 Cabins with Skippers Cabin (3 heads) – Optional Natural Oak with Dark Oak floorboards
Please call if you wish to discuss or require any further information – any feedback on this prototype model would also be appreciated.
To view the interactive 3D model click here