First Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 410 for Australia under construction:

The first of the new Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 410 models will be in Australia in April. We send the author of Cruising Helmsman to France to get a sneak peak…. read all about it in the January issue of the magazine and see for yourself when the SO410 debuts at the Sail Expo Show at the RPAYC on April the 27th & 28th.

The second example will arrive in time for the Sydney Show and is to be a 3-cabin cruising version with all of the typical options. Not surprisingly this new model is selling fast, so this yacht is available on a first-come-first-serve basis far ahead of current lead times. Contact PBS on (02)9979 9755 or email info@performanceboating.com.au for further details.

Phil Ross the Editor of Cruising Helmsman had the honour of a test sail of the SO410 with the yachts designer Marc Lombard and came away highly impressed. His impressions of the yacht will be available in the January edition of the magazine, and well worth a read, but in summary he says “The modern production yacht is a complex piece of construction, but Jeanneau manages to keep its SO410 simple: simple to sail and simply fun to sail.”

For all of the details on the Sun Odyssey 410 see here